My Family and Friends Page

My Family and Friends Page

I have created this page to share pictures and notes with family and friends.

Those who visit Words and Prayers are welcome to this page, of course, since I cannot hide it, but it is meant for those who know me and those whom I know and enjoy sharing with.

Bailey's Graduation


April 11, 2015 - I was able to walk my meditation path this morning although one section of it was still snow-covered.  There is not as much debris this year because our winter was not as windy as usual.  Although it has a certain beauty to it now, it will grow strikingly more beautiful as spring green begins to emerge.

Amaryllis first blossom
A gift from a dear friend...


This collage developed in my mind's eye and begged for creation.  I created it with purpose and meaning.  It represents my multi-layered balance between dark and light with the multiple antennae extending outward from my being into the world, vulnerable to all sorts of energy input, both dark and light.  The antennae are curly-queued, representing my effort to conceal their endings so that only light energy may enter at any point along the spirals while confusing invasive energy
 from finding its way in.

Following a horrendous nightmare of great significance and description of my frustrations and obstacles violating my path to my calling, I channeled the energy of the dream into positive energy through the completion of the above collage which I had already begun, and conversely, through the creation, without thought nor mind's eye, of the following three collages.

The following is my favorite excerpt from the above collage.  When I created the handcrafted paper, this portion of my work was at the tail end of the batch of slurry and seemed a failure.  Here it finds its true self in its own beauty, and the topaz glass jewel represents me, peeking out from behind, partially hidden, partially visible, but only visible to those who look closely.

(I have to admit that later in the day, I added the little glass jewels to the whole piece along the way 
and with thought.  It was irresistible and a joy!)

Well, this is a bonus, but maybe a sort of collage in and of itself.   It caught my eye in my workroom as I photographed one of my collages and, drawing my attention, begged a place here...and so my dear angel, here is your place in my blog, ever in prayer for me and my world.

Winter and Warmth

Here are a few photos from my Winter and Warmth Collection.  I tried making a slide presentation, but the pictures were not as clear.
We have had a very cold and rough winter.  I have been feeling disconnected from the earth, the soil, and the green, so on March 10, 2014, I planted a dish garden.  For the first time in years, I had a few hours of feeling myself again.  It was wonderful, and now I know what it is I am looking to find again within myself.  Here are the photos I selected.  They begin under a cloudy sky and end under sunshine.
The stained glass star is an artwork by Susan Hadzor, a fellow artisan.

2018 - 4 years growth



I have a new website for my jewelry.  Below are some pictures of a pair of my etched copper earrings and also a display that Roy built out of monkey wood.  Isn't it lovely?

Etched Copper

Here is my cute little squirrel who visits our feeder.  He is a runt, and that makes him cute.  He is also well-behaved.  He comes, eats, and leaves.  The birds share the feeder with him.

Here is the poem that I wrote to be read at my grandmother's funeral since I could not attend.


Summer morning
Hot biscuits with cream and jelly
A trip to the garden for beans
Rows and rows of beans and peas
Summer tomatoes
Corn and squash
Sitting on the front porch
Shelling black-eyed peas into aprons on our laps
Shucking corn by the bushel
Out near the barn

Hot kitchen
Boiling water
Cold, icy blanching water
Up to the elbows
Rows and rows of warm vegetables in Ball jars
waiting for the lids to pop
Squishy bags of creamed corn and squash
ready for the freezer

Lunch so big
It'd split your sides
Dishes done

Milking time
Sitting on feed sacks
The smell of grain, rich and yeasty
Kittens playing hide and pounce
Iron gates rattling
Milkers sucking milk through black hoses
into gleaming stainless steel cans
Milk cans hoisted
White creamy rivers flowing
into the shining, spotless tank
Cows in the farmyard lined up and ready
full of milk to bursting
Cows in the farmyard
after milking, relieved and content

Supper time leftovers
Tall cool glasses of iced tea on the porch
Late sunsets
Falling asleep
next to softness
Loving arms embracing


Memories keep you near me
keep you inside me
In my dreams
I meet you
coming ever closer
year upon year
as slowly
I walk in your footprints
clearly before me
until I become one with you...

Sharon Terry
April 26, 1995

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