
Prayer for Healing and Guidance

Dear God, creator of heaven and earth,
we stand in your presence with thanksgiving
for the good things in our lives.

Please release the implants of dis-ease
that still remain which were embedded
in us over years and lifetimes.
May they return to the sender whose they are
and may healing continue to flow to us.

Please guide us in your way of dealing
with discomforts that still remain
in our bodies, minds, and spirits,
allowing them to pass into nothingness
as the light of your loving forgiveness
flows to us and through us.

Please forgive us and heal us, oh merciful God!
So that we may walk in your paths more completely,
fulfilling your mission through us on the earth.
May we ever bring you joy and never sorrow.
Guide us in your way everlasting.
Help us to grow.
Help us to learn, ever before you,
and in your presence.

Open to us now and into the future the words
you wish us to speak for you here on the earth,
and help us to impart them to those
you wish us to serve,
especially those who love you or can
learn to love you.

May the words that pour forth through us
bring us healing.

Open us to the joys of your love,
that we may walk in your ways everlasting,
grounding us for your purpose
and the spread of your grace on earth.

In the name of Sabbaoth,

From the writings of Sharon Terry 

Rutter Prayer
Written before Rutter Requiem Festival Chorus Concert at St. Mary's Church, May 1, 2011.

Unto you, oh Lord,
we answer.
Out of the depths of our longing,
we answer.

Pour forth your grace upon us
and let the light of your countenance
shine forth through us, 
your servants of light.

Let grace abound.
May fullness flow unto all creation,
world without end.

Let peace reign,
and let your glory stand
in abundant life to come,
verdant with wonder and hope.

May your glory shine round about us.
May the openness of your spirit upon us
abound unto grace and glory,
so that we, your faithful servants,
may find rest.

“Come unto me, all ye who labor,”
saith the Lord of Hosts.
The righteous with the unrighteous
find comfort in you
and forgiveness—and light.

May the light of your countenance
rest lightly upon our spirits,
connecting us with you, the ALL in ALL,
and may we find rest.

“Comfort, comfort ye my people,”
thus saith the Lord.
The world abounds with glory and praise,
for you alone are God,
and may it be so to ALL generations.
Amen.  Blessed be the name of the Lord,
now and forever more.

Sharon Terry May 1, 2011

Prayer written January 13, 2013  
Will Headlee Organ Recital
Church of the Saviour, Syracuse, NY

Art thou weary, heavy laden?
I will rest in Thee,

my wonder and my God.
Forsake me not oh gentle
spirit of light.
Wander not me all earth bound
to flounder so and not to find
my path to Thee.
Wonder not oh gentle savior
at my longing, for my longing
is found in Thee and Thee alone.
Find me not within the bounds of
    thy love withstanding.
Hold me not over the flame of
    righteousness to come
But guard my feet, my path
    now as I come to Thee.
I come to Thee.  I come to Thee.
I flee not away from Thy holiness,
    for it is my foundation of life
And in Thee I find rest and peace.
Lead me not away.
Sharon Terry January 13, 2013

When others alarm me, 
I turn my energies to you, oh God, 
and you hold them for me.

Guard my steps and help me 
to not associate with disharmonious activities. 
Work through me as your leavening agent.
I remain in your love as the flower remains in the tree, 
bringing forth fruit for righteousness.
Sharon Terry 3/9/88

I love life, O Lord, and will pursue it with your glory,
filling the world with righteousness and hope. 
Allow not my feet to falter in your way or my wisdom to grow dim, 
for it is from you and must light the earth for righteousness to reign.
Brightness fills my soul with your glory and your holiness,
 for I am wholly yours and yours alone. 
 Turn not away, for I love you without limit.
Sharon Terry 3/9/88

August 15, 2005

A Psalm by Sharon

The summer comes and the summer goes.
Blessed be the Holy One of God most high,
above the heavens and the earth.
Blessed by God's name—above ALL names,
blessed be God's name.

May kingdoms rise and fall at God's bidding.
Blessed be God's name—name above all names.

And so shall it be,
now and forever more to the blessing
and the glory of God the Creator
God the Son, and
God the Holy Ghost.
Blessed be God's name.

God's will is mine,
above ALL, God's will is mine!
Below, above,
and in-between.
Blessed be God's name.

God's kingdom shall endure,
now and forever more.
Blessed be God's name.

God's current flows North and South,
to the East and West and beyond
in all directions known to humankind.
There is a name for every direction
under the sun.
A name to name them all,
yet not all known to humankind
but only a few.

Infinity is NOT infinity with God
who made us, for God IS infinity!
How can humankind name what has no end?
Blessed be God's holy name.  Amen!

In the name of the Creator, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.  Amen!

An Unknown Saint's Evening Prayer

O God, who has't drawn over the weary day the restful veil of night, enfold us in thy heavenly peace.

Lift from our hands our tasks and all through the night bear in thy untroubled slumber we may press our weariness close to thy strength and win new power for the morrow's duties from thee who givest to thy beloved in sleep

Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Open My Eyes

Open my eyes that I may see your glory and share in the peace of your suffering in my place.

I open my eyes, Lord; my eyes are open to you.  Fill them with your glory and your majesty that I may see the wondrous gifts you have given me.  I seem so blind to them.  Open my heart that it may be full of your glory and likeness and the strength you have that I might live and walk in your presence--knowing beyond measure your goodness and your glory.

Transform me into your likeness so that I may reflect your glory to others in a more perfect way.  Perfect my colors so that others may see you clearly through them.  I am yours, oh Lord, and yours alone.  Help me accept the truth of this message, for it is from you and you alone.

Take from my heart the grief and burden of the guilt of my sins, for in you I am made whole and one.  Take no thought of my wickedness in denying your power, for I am weak and sinful in my doubt.  Forgive me, oh Lord, and strengthen me.  Hold my hand. Help me feel the strength you offer me and no longer doubt.

Sharon Terry 2/25/88


O God, you are the unsearchable abyss of peace, the ineffable sea of love, and the fountain of blessings.  Water us with plenteous streams from the riches of your grace; and from the most sweet springs of your kindness, make us children of quietness and heirs of peace.  Amen.
From the Syrian Liturgy of St. Clement of Alexandria


Final Blessing
Hildegard of Bingen

May the strengthening Spirit bear fruit in our creating;

May the anointing Spirit touch our brokenness and make us whole;

May the breath of the Spirit infuse our hearts with the beautiful perfumes of goodness as we share Christ's fragrance with those around us;

May the flowing Spirit spring up as wisdom's fountain in our hearts;

May the enfolding Spirit become our comfortable-fitting garment;

May the sword of the Spirit defend our vulnerability in all the realms, protecting us from all evil;

May the guiding Spirit lead us through the heights and the depths of all the realms;

May the elemental Spirit connect us to the natural world;

May the joyful Spirit temper the solemnity of our knowing;

So that we may become a Song within the divine creation.


From the book about Hildegard of Bingen by June Boyce-Tillman

Prayer of Worship 

Dearest God,

Open to us the joy of your love this day,
and guide us in your way,
that we, 
standing in the light of Jesus' countenance,
may clearly see your path,
opening our hearts fully to the work
you would have us do,
the thoughts you would have us think,
and the words you would have us speak.

Guide us as we create for you
the music of the spheres
with the voices of our hearts,
and with instruments of metal, string, and wood,
elements of your earth that you have created.

May our worship flow out into our world,
filled with your goodness and light,
drawing others to the turning back to you.
And suffering the little children
to come once more into the paths of faith
personified in loving kindness.

Draw us to our knees more often
in prayers of thanksgiving and grace,
that we may be strengthened in
heart, soul, and mind,
bringing our bodies into full
contact with your light.


From the writings of Sharon Terry


Prayer of Acceptance and Grace

We do not seek to master nor to control,
only to serve according to our gifts and abilities
and to be served according to our needs.
We accept both in readiness of spirit.
And we come. Lord Jesus, we come.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, now
and forever more.

Please accept us in wholeness
and grant us your likeness in peace to come.
Grant us space and safety
in which to work your goodness on earth,
and lead us in your way.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, now
and forever more.

Open paths before us,
so that we may walk in them,
touching those whose paths
we cross, intersect,
and meet with your goodness and light.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, now
and forever more.

Open to us the grace of your character,
the goodness of your will,
and the integrity of your peace.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, now
and forever more.

The light of God's grace is upon us,
and be glad, for great is the coming
for which we have waited for so long.
Blessed be the name of the Lord, now
and forever more.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, now
and forever more.

We walk on your earth, this day,
open to your light,
to your love,
to your well-being,
and we are glad!!!

Blessed be the name of the Lord, now
and forever more.

We take in the beauty of this day,
allowing it to rest lightly upon our spirits,
bringing us the peace we seek.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, now
and forever more.

We stay open and visible
to you who care for us,
and we thank you!

Blessed be the name of the Lord, now
and forever more.

Our hearing of your guidance
by direction of the Holy Spirit
increases exponentially each day.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, now
and forever more.

And we are glad!


From the writings of Sharon Terry


Prayer Based on Psalm 84

How lovely is your dwelling place,
O Lord of hosts!
Our souls long for your courts.
We sing for joy to you, the living God.

Even as the birds of the air find homes,
so we find our home with you,
O Lord of Hosts.
Happy are we who live in your house,
ever singing your praises.

Our strength is in you, our God.
Renew our strength day by day,
so that our hearts may ever be
your highways.

May springs of living water
well up within us at your bidding
so that from strength to strength
you, our God, may be seen
in all the earth.

O Lord God of hosts,
hear our prayer,
give ear, O God of Jacob!
Behold our shield, O God;
look on the faces of your
anointed ones, keeping us
ever in your presence.

For you are
our sun and shield.
Bestow us with
your favor and honor,
and withhold no good
thing from us as we
strive to walk uprightly
before you,
O Lord of hosts.

We are happy
because we trust
in you!

Blessed be your name.


Prayer based on Psalm 91

We who dwell in the shelter of the Most High,
who abide in the shadow of the Almighty,
say to the Lord,

“Our refuge and our fortress;
our God, in whom we trust.”
For you deliver us from the snare of the fouler
and from the deadly pestilence;
You cover us with your pinions,
and under your wings we find refuge;
Your faithfulness is a shield and buckler.
We will not fear the terror of the night,
nor the arrow that flies by day,
nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness,
nor the destruction the wastes at noonday.

A thousand may fall at our side,
ten thousand at our right hand;
but it will not come near us.
We will only look with our eyes
and see the recompense of the wicked.

Because we have made you, our Lord, our refuge,
the Most High our habitation,
no evil shall befall us,
no scourge come near our tent.
For you give the angels charge of us
to guard us in all our ways.
On their hands they bear us up,
lest we dash our foot against a stone.
We tread on the lion and the adder,
the young lion and the serpent
we will trample underfoot.

Because we cleave to you in love,
you deliver us;
You protect us because you know our names.
When we call you, you answer us.
You are with us in trouble,
You rescue us and honor us.
With long life you satisfy us
and you show us your salvation.


Prayer based on Psalm 92

We give thanks to you, O Lord.
We sing praises to your name, O Most High;
to declare your steadfast love in the morning,
and your faithfulness by night,
to the music of the violin and the cello,
to the melody of the harp.
For you, O Lord, have made us glad by your work;
at the works of your hands we sing for joy.

How great are your works, O Lord!
Your thoughts are very deep!
For you are on high forever.
For, lo, your enemies, O Lord,
for, lo, your enemies shall perish;
all evildoers shall be scattered.
But you have exalted our horn like that of the wild ox;
you have poured over us fresh oil.
Our eyes have seen the downfall of our enemies,
our ears have heard the doom of our evil assailants.

The righteous flourish like the palm tree,
and grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
They are planted in the house of the Lord
They flourish in the courts of our God.
They still bring forth fruit in old age,
they are ever full of sap and green,
to show that the Lord is upright;
he is our rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.
