Mindfulness Poetry


Light filters through tree leaves.
Flies dance around my head,
all is well, for the moment.

Trees often grow in twos, side by side.
When they are old, they are as one,
though still two.
The crow caws four times
and is silent.
All is well, for the moment.

A cluster of trees channels
light energy to the forest floor
and stands as a tower in distant sight.
Dead leaves and limbs compost
into new soil,
fostering lush greenness.
Above, a woodpecker pecks,
One...one, two, three...one, two.
A child shouts,
a mosquito buzzes,
all is well, for the moment.

Life happens...
Between silent spaces, and
All is well, for the moment.
©Sharon Terry, July 3, 2010

Pathways to earth's realm
open in woodland streams
and footpaths cleared of brush.
Between the trees, they lie
dormant, until the opening.

Light energy floods the spaces
where once the ancients tread.
Returning, they find peace
at a new existence, a new
life force.
Waiting for centuries,
they return with wonder
to do their work they
were meant to do long ago.

Now, they are here,
and it is time and half a time.
Ancient pathways!
Thank you, mother.
©Sharon Terry, July 3, 2010

Chittenango Falls

Water pours through my soul,
the gates of hell
closed once more
by the onrush.
Leaves of grass penetrate
into the spaces.
Earth rises up and touches my feet,
grounding me to it.
The corners of time are no more,
smoothed out by the flowing,
gushing, rushing sound.
The crow who lives here asks,
"What is all the fuss about?"
Little knowing his daily gift,
the sound of rushing waters.

Rock walls rise majestically,
created by their very nature
of surrender to the earth's
ever-changing give and take.
Outcroppings among trees and
the rock beneath me on which I
sit, opposite to the wall 
see across the gorge.
Green has returned once more
to northern climes.
Thankfully, I stretch to
take it all in,
wishing a greater capacity
for awe.

The side brook
had cut its own path
into the rock bed long ago,
making its own music
beside the loud, rushing stream.
Knowing its music was
but for few to hear did not
trouble it one little bit,
for it understood its own soul
and spoke only to those who
would come close enough
to hear and see.
And its voice was lovely.


The rock ledge invited footsteps.
Irresistible, people climbed the
fence, disregarding signs and rules,
to sit on its platform.

There is an old tree that
stands between the gushing, flowing
streams, (I wish I knew its name)
cut off by natural barriers
and unnatural fences.
Almost like a zoo animal,
it stands, inaccessible to
touch by those who are caught by
its beauty.
Tended by the
gardener of all gardeners,
untouchable except
through heart song.
©Sharon Terry, May 18, 2010

The Rift

I am in a new space,
a new space altogether.
There is a rift in the 12th level 
of the 14th realm.
Whom do I tell?
Whom do I tell?

"No one." comes the answer.
"No one will listen."

But there is a rift
in the 12th level
of the 14th realm.
Someone should be told!

"Only you know
for it is your 12th level
of your 14th realm.
And no one cares."

Emotions leaking out,
The earth's vast store
of human resources,
leaking out,
Emotions leaking out.

We live contained lives,
Emotions leaking out
our skin,
the pores of our skin
leaking emotions.
We live contained lives.

But there has been a rift
in the 12th level
of the 14th realm.

The emotions of the earth
escape into the nothingness
and are gone.
Vented, we continue,

But I am not gone.

Light, the color of turquoise pours
through my soul, penetrating
to the 12th level
of the 14th realm.
The rift closes.

Emotions build once more.

There is a rift in the 12th level
of the 14th realm.
Whom do I tell?
Whom do I tell?

"Tell no one, for the enlivening has come.
Inside the gate lies darkness,
and inside the darkness lies hope,
personified in loving.
One, and then, the other.
One, and then, the other.

When you go there,
to the place of reckoning,
When you go there no more,
joy will erupt in your soul.

Turn down the volume of the night-time.
It is way too loud
for your spirit to come full force
into the light.

Tidal waves pass over you
and are no more.
They pass over you,
sweeping away the dusty cobwebs.
The door opens.

Let in the light.
Turn down the volume so you can
hear more clearly."

How do I do this?

"The vibrations of the night-time rest
are upon you.
Let the vibrations cease for a time and
half a time."

Tell me how to do this, please!
©Sharon Terry, May 18, 2010 

May Evening

I looked out my window on a May evening,
and as the light faded into dusk,
I saw love.
It was the color of green and pink and blue,
laid out on a tapestry defined by
wooden borders.
It was enough, this small open space.
into the world.
Love spelled out by the colors of spring,
liquid chlorophyll and water vapor
reflecting light.
An unseen bird spoke dusk song.
Then silence fell.

Darkness crept in, colors changed
to warm grays,
then midnight blues.
Invisible stars became visible
as visible colors were hidden from sight.
Love in vessels of light.

A cloak around me, I pulled it close
and said good night,
and then,
I slept.

The crescent moon spilled liquid sunshine
across the dark sky.
Its closeness to the earth
penetrating my consciousness,
I could almost touch it.
Well...in my mind's eye.

Where are you tonight, my friend?
The moon connects us as we gaze
upon its curve and see its
invisible visibility of darkness.

Write to me of your moonwalk dreams,
spilling liquid sunshine into your soul.
Share with me your midnight walk
into the night,
and fly with me
to the beyond.
©Sharon Terry, May 18, 2010 


I wrote the following in a card to a bride and groom.

May you be blessed with:
--enough love to teach you patience
--enough sorrow to teach you compassion
--enough struggles to make you strong
--enough doubt to increase your faith
--enough hope to press you on
--enough joy to open your eyes to the face of each other
--enough peace to give you rest
--enough failure to keep you humble
--enough success to teach you to be generous
--enough commitment to see you through to the end of your days.

--Sharon Terry
July 13, 2008