Poetry 2

In my loneliness I have found you,
and you are there in my loneliness.

In my longing for you I have found you
and you are there in my longing.

In my silence I have searched for you,
And you are there in my silence.

I am used to you, and in that familiarity,
I am one with you.

I am only aware that you were with me
when you are away from me, for I miss you.

I do miss you!

©2000 Sharon Terry

He sits in the chair,
wheels for legs,
I touch him with my lips,
with my hands,
with my arms,
wrist to shoulder.
We are companions,
companions of love,
best friends.

The others run,
and work,
and play.

I touch him with my heart.

©1993 Sharon Terry

When you see me
Standing there,
Do you look into my eyes;
Does your heart meet mine;
Or do we stand apart,
You and I?

Why does separateness
Why can't oneness
Be the goal?
Why do you stand apart
from me?
Don't you Understand?
You are a
Part of my Whole.

Come close
So I can feel you,
So I can touch you.

Don't you want to touch me?
Reach out now.
It doesn't hurt,
You see.

When we touch
We are one.
We leave separateness behind.
©Sharon Terry

Oneness 2
Does it not follow
    that oneness flows into day
        as does the night?
The oneness you touch,
Is it not real in your time,
And touching the clouds of time
    and no time?

You touch all things do you not?
In your oneness?

Does it frighten at times
    and, yes, at times annoy?
Is it not worth it
    for the joy of the moment
        of awareness?
For in that moment
    all passes for good,
And you are there,

Dance for joy,
All ye peoples of the earth.
Dance for joy.

Run, Run, Run,
And be free!

The stones awaken at last
For the coming of
    the Mighty One

Do you not dream of His Coming?

With merriment
    of Spirit
        and Heart.

Joy in the undertaking.
©Sharon Terry

My stumbling feet plunge me forward
As I walk the road unknown.
I cannot see nor know what comes,
Only what was and what is.
And what was has dissolved into what is.
Stirring the solution with my thoughts,
I open the door to my musings
Of what I want to be.
For if I cannot want something of my life,
Why breathe the breath of living.
My stumbling feet plunge me forward,
Making sense of what was before.
I am what I am because I was.
And that is all.
©Sharon Terry

The Stone, The Thorn, The Rain
I stumbled over a stone in the path
And found myself down on my knees
Looking up for help to return to my feet.

I pricked my finger on a thorn
And found myself feeling the pain
While admiring the rose.

I stood in the rain, caught without umbrella,
And found myself, arms outstretched
To feel its cleansing.

I stood at a crossroads with no direction
And found myself looking within
To find a clue.

The stone, the thorn, the rain,
Preparing me for the moment--
At the crossroads.
©Sharon Terry

Dear Lord
I cannot live this day today
    one day at a time.
I take this day you've given to me
    one moment at a time.

Help me not to see a zillion moments left
    to live
    but to do my best to live this
    moment as an answer to my prayer.

I've given my all to you, oh Lord,
    so many zillions of times,
And I'm left to do the same
    with this precious moment in time.

I touch a zillion faces
    in this moment in time.
I lift them up to you, oh Lord,
    in this moment in time.

©Sharon Terry

You'll Understand
Open wide the gates of heaven to tell the story.

Listen carefully from within to hear the voice.

Whisper softly for my words to speak their meaning.

Plan the conquest with the touch of the master's hand.

When you hear me speaking clearly, clearly listen.

When you hear the quietness fall you'll understand.

©1993 Sharon Terry

You Too?
I am a very self interested person.
Aren't you?

I spend lots of time processing God's way for me.
You too?

When you speak, I listen for his voice through you.
When we hug, I feel his love pour through.

I hope I do the same for you.

©Sharon Terry


A bird flying by
    like glitter
        in the evening light.
The sun, catching
    the beauty
        of its wings.

©Sharon Terry

Guilded Cage

The cage was guilded
with linens of white.

Flowing from the floor below
I saw a river of light
penetrating and passing
the night of splendor.

From within the cage
she sang a song of gold
and pretended not to see me
looking in upon her.

And on her breast
lay a rose shining so brightly
that eyes could not
behold her beauty.

She turned and
looked my way,
penetrating my soul
with her song of gold.

"Do you not see the
splendor?" she asked.

It was a question for me,
yet I could not rightly
answer her,
nor see her splendor
face to face.

©Sharon Terry

I Float with This "Thingness" that is within Me

I float with this "thingness" that is within me,
    with this challenge to my being.
A string floating in the breeze,
    held up by an imaginary fixed position.

I float with this "thingness" that is within me,
    with this joy in my chest.
An explosion of lightness
    sending fireworks through my body.

I float with this "thingness" that is within me,
    with this anger in my head.
A tempest now raging,
    now shifting and dissolving around my ears.

I float with this "thingness" that is within me,
    with this mother "thing" in my heart.
A grasping, a letting go,
    undulating to its own beat.

©2000 Sharon Terry

Rivers of light
Shine forth,
Wandering through time and space
Without end or length,
Multiplied only by the crocheting of days.

Into the heart floods the
Melody of time and space
Without measure of instrument
Or beat of drum.

See me not as one who is alone.
I come in multitudes
Of strength.
I find it not
In length of day
Or movement of tongue,
But in inner peace
And warmth.

©1993 Sharon Terry

Hallowed ground
carrying on
a heavenly harbinger
Tomorrow's roots
Very new
the turning point
give of life
of sight
felt but not seen
invited home to
silent wandering
after a cataclysm
a tidal force
of rhythm of
children of
the ancient sage
The risky way
©2001 Sharon Terry

To Cherish My Child
In dedication to my precious daughter, Joanna.

Look into your child's eyes and cherish what you see.
Cherish the seed of consciousness,
    the seed of confidence,
    the seed of creativity,
    the seeds that grow within.
Cherish your child with your eyes.
Do not do so only twice or thrice,
But forever--for childhood to the child seems forever.

Cherish your child with your heart
    for therein lies the soul of your being,
    the child of long ago in a faraway land
    full of life and creative self-expression.

Open the forces around your being,
    the breath of life itself,
    the moments of truth revealed,
    the lasting joy of the moment.

Teach not only with your mouth
    but with your action and being.
For who you really are is seen by your child,
   and held up as a banner to look upon
    for quality of life.

Open your soul.
Cherish your child.

©1996 Sharon Terry

No, No, No, Don't make me think today.
It's Saturday.
It's my day to dream.
©Sharon Terry

Sitting Place
"I want to sit
In your sitting place,"
She said.
"Okay," I thought,
"Since she's going to do it anyway."
Will she find my treasure,
Or can it only be seen
With my eyes?
Do you have a sitting place?
©Sharon Terry

She Kept Asking Me

She kept asking me
About the little animal
Who lived in that shell.
Why did it move out?
I couldn't answer,
Can you?
Some things
          don't have an answer.
How do you tell that
          to a two-year-old?
I wonder,
I am silent,
©Sharon Terry

The quiet surrounds me.
It's almost time for another feeding.
She looks so tiny in the small, small bed.
So perfect, so smooth, so round, so beautiful.
How did this one come to be?
We weren't expecting it to happen again-
    this glorious pregnancy.
But it did, and how can we but love
    this beautiful being sent from heaven.
Won't they miss her there?
Yes, but only for a time.
She is on loan from heaven,
    a shared child of wonder.
And when she returns, she will be missed here,
    but only for a time.

The woman I see before me now
    in dreams of what she'll be
Is encircled in the child so soft,
    so round,
To waken beyond all dreaming
    at the proper time of reason to our minds.
Yet wonders hold a mystery of love.

©Sharon Terry

The Story Quilt
The story quilt lay on the rug
    opened flat
        as if waiting
            for my hands
                and eyes
                    to admire it.

In the corner,
   lay a tiny heart
      so small
          that only in the unbroken line of stitches
              could its outline be seen
                  by my eyes and touched
                      by my fingers?

No other hearts lay about its edges
    or at its center.

It was a mystery
    this story quilt.

My aunt had said
    my grandmother said
        her mother said it was
            a quilt of love,
                a story quilt,
                    but nothing more of
                        the story remained.

It was a mystery.

A thousand times,
    I had touched its border
        with fingers and eyes
                and wondered and dreamed
                    of the story
                        it had told so long ago.

It was a mystery.

Within me,
    I knew somehow   
        that heart was mine
            connecting me with a
                child my age of long ago,
                    a girl who loved hearts,
                        a girl like me.

It was a mystery.

And someday,
    I would give it to my child
        and put her under the spell
            of the story quilt
                and let her fingers and
                    her eyes touch its wonders
                        and dream its dreams
                            and wonder at the mystery.

©1994 Sharon Terry